
True kings of Norway

Noruega | 2000 | Black Metal

Track listing

01. Emperor - The ancient queen
02. Emperor - Witches' Sabbath
03. Emperor - Lord of the storms
04. Immortal - Diabolical fullmoon mysticism
05. Immortal - Unholy forces of evil
06. Immortal - The cold winds of funeral frost
07. Dimmu Borgir - Inn i evighetens mõrke (Pt 1)
08. Dimmu Borgir - Inn i evighetens mõrke (Pt 2)
09. Dimmu Borgir - Raabjõrn speiler draugheimens skodde
10. Ancient - Det glemte riket
11. Ancient - Huldradans
12. Arcturus - My angel
13. Arcturus - Morax

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