
Tribuzy - Execution live reunion

Brasil | 2007 | Power Metal

Renato Tribuzy - voz
Frank Schieber - guitarra
Ivan Guilhon - bajo
Flavio Pascarillo - bateria
Eduardo Fernandez - guitarra

Musicos invitados:
Bruce Dickinson, Mat Sinner, Roland Grapow, Ralf Scheepers, Andreas Kisser, Kiko Loureiro and Roy Z.

Track listing
01. Intro
02. Aggressive
03. Divine disgrace
04. The Attempt
05. Forgotten time [feat. Kiko Loureiro]
06. Nature of evil [feat. Kiko Loureiro, Mat Sinner]
07. Absolution [feat. Ralf Scheepers, Roland Grapow]
08. Web of life [feat. Roland Grapow]
09. Execution [feat. Kiko Loureiro]
10. Beast in the light [feat. Bruce Dickinson, Roy Z]
11. The means [bonus track]

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