Alemania | 2003 | Gothic Metal
Track list
01. Unperfectly perfect - prudentia / prudence
02. Wild heart - fortitudo / fortitude
03. Dorian - invidia / envy
04. Black snake sister / luxuria / lust
05. Till the end - spes / hope
06. Raise the down - temperantia / temperace
07. False gods - fides / faith
08. Too much - gula / excess
09. Fire in paradise - caritas + love
10. My treasure - avaritia / greed
11. She knows why - justitia /
12. Last exit - ira / wrath
13. Heart of stone - superbia / pride
14. The death of souls - acedia / sloth
01. Unperfectly perfect - prudentia / prudence
02. Wild heart - fortitudo / fortitude
03. Dorian - invidia / envy
04. Black snake sister / luxuria / lust
05. Till the end - spes / hope
06. Raise the down - temperantia / temperace
07. False gods - fides / faith
08. Too much - gula / excess
09. Fire in paradise - caritas + love
10. My treasure - avaritia / greed
11. She knows why - justitia /
12. Last exit - ira / wrath
13. Heart of stone - superbia / pride
14. The death of souls - acedia / sloth
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