Iron maiden - Father vs daughter [live at palau sant jordi, barcelona, spain]Inglaterra | 2006 | Heavy Metal

Track list

01. Doctor doctor
02. Intro - Different world
03. These colours don't run
04. Brighter than a thousand suns
05. The pilgrim
06. The longest day
07. Rant 1
08. Out of the shadows
09. The rencarnation of benjamin breeg
10. For the greater good of god
11. Lord of light
12. The legacy
13. Fear of the dark
14. Iron Maiden
15. Rant 2
16. 2 minutes to midnight
17. The evil that men do
18. Hallowed be thy name

Link 1 | Link 2

Lauren Harris

01. Natural thing
02. Steal our fire
03. Let us be
04. Your turn
05. Come on over


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